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Education Services - Cyber HS - Online Arizona High SchoolCyber HS – Online Arizona High School

Education Services

Child Find is the Arizona Department of Education’s program for identifying young children in need of assistance.  Our school will gladly help you to find the appropriate resources to help your child.  Beyond the resources below, our Director of Special Education can walk you through this process.  Mr. Dregely can be reached at (623) 907-2661.

McKinney-Vento is an Arizona program for homeless and displaced youth.  Subtitle B of Title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq.) is included in No Child Left Behind as Title X-C. The 2002 reauthorization requires that children and youths experiencing homelessness are immediately enrolled in school and have educational opportunities equal to those of their non-homeless peers. The statute requires every public school district and charter holder to designate a Homeless Liaison to ensure that homeless students are identified and their needs are being met. The criteria for this program are more lenient than you would think.  Mrs. Janette Buell, our McKinney-Vento Liason, can be reached at (623) 907-2661.  For more information, please visit the websites below:

Arizona Preparatory Academy is a Title-1 school that receives free breakfast and lunch under the federal nutrition program.  Since our Cyber High students are online, they do not receive this program.  Title-1 funds are however used for our online students in ways that support their needs.  Title-1 schools are designated as such when they provide services to students from a variety of backgrounds who require additional assistance.  These funds are designated to help close the achievement gap between the wealthy and impoverished.

For more information on Title-1 follow the links below:

Policies and practices at the state, district, and school levels also influence graduation rates. They can either help students stay on the graduation path or lower their odds of graduating. By understanding your school district’s policies better and
what research says about their effects, you can assess policy changes that will serve your students better and begin to address your dropout challenge. A wide range of what may be viewed as customary, benign or even important individual school and
district-wide policies and practices can inadvertently encourage, enable or fail to prevent dropping out. These include:

  • Calling home to update guardians on progress.
  • Choosing engaging lessons and curriculum.
  • Differentiating instruction for individual student needs.
  • Utilizing Data Driven Instruction.
  • Providing bus passes and transportation for students.

In the rare event that our interventions do not work and a student has been “non-engaged” for 30 days, they are referred to our drop out recovery program.  This program provides students with a familiar and individualized experience that leads to graduation on their terms.

Special Education includes the identification of struggling students, evaluations, and individualized education programs.  Under state and federal regulations any child may be evaluated, regardless of school staff opinion, if the parent or guardian requests an evaluation.  This evaluation must be completed within 60 days.

Our special education department provides individualized instructional adaptations and services to Cyber High’s students with disabilities.  For more information on special education you can contact Mr. Dregely at (623) 907-2661 and through the links below:


Section 504 of the American’s with Disabilities Act allows for similar adaptations under an individualized 504 plan.  These plans are meant to make curriculum and assessment accessible to all individuals.  For more information contact Mr. Dregely at (623) 907-2661 and browse through the links below:

Cyber High’s GATE program is for Gifted and Talented students.  Giftedness comes in many forms!  Art, Math, English, and Reading can all indicate that a student has exceptional ability in a given area.  8% of all Arizona students are gifted.  These students deserve an education at their individual level, something our school does well at.  For more information on GATE, contact The office at (623) 907-2661 and through the links below: